The rope was once used to build the first airplane.The rope MAY be made of Chuck Norris' beard hairs.The rope is a major in physics and engineering.The Hero then took the Rope's fame and glory. As a result, the Chandelier fell, and killed the Colossus in a single mighty blow. Angered by the Rope's spiteful comments towards him, the Hero lunged forwards with his Fire, and thus made the rope let go of the ledge he was holding onto. The Hero met the Rope one last time in the Chamber of the Grinning Colossus. The Hero and the Rope have had a hateful history of pain and despair. In this situation, the title of the game acts as the tutorial. There is a notorious running problem with games holding your hand too long and tutorials going on forever. Along the way the game tells you what's going to happen. At intervals, it helped a certian bullwhip-brandishing archaeologist, and also held the entire world together during a meteor storm. The game is called 'You Have To Burn The Rope'. Added in Patch 5.0.1 (Build 15508) Required Level: 15 Scales to Level: 35 Start: Ella End: Ella Sharable Daily Link in game Forum link Wowhead link Featured Screenshot. The Rope has had a long and troubled history, before the point he met the Hero at. You Have to Burn the Ropes You Have to Burn the Ropes Previous Next Quick Info. It was a gift sent from the God of Twine to the Hero, as so that he may slay the Grinning Colossus. Similar to the Bullwhip of Indiana Jones, the Rope saves the Hero's life on a regular basis. it can burn, drop stuff, open doors, hang enemies, and more! It is the only way to defeat the final boss Grinning Colossus, as your axes do not work. Some theorize that the Rope may indeed be made of them, but due to the Rope's weakness to fire, we know this not to be true. The Rope is made of millions of tiny Strings, each of which can bear the same weight as one of Chuck Norris' beard hairs. The rope has been used by many people, all of whom could perform incredible things with it. The Rope is more effective than the strongest glue, yet has the same weakness as the common zombie, that being Fire. TL DR - It isn't popular because it is a game as much as it is popular because it is (subjectively) a funny joke about games.The Rope is a major in physics, and goes through rigorous physical training regularly. Then hopefully get another giggle at how pompous the song is when put at the end of a really silly simple thing. You are expected to go through it and hopefully find the humor in how simple it was and how simple they TOLD you it was. Nobody thinks you AREN'T going to get through it. Nobody expects you to NOT be able to win. It is the comedy equivalent of the screaming maze game. It isn't a game so much as it is a joke about games. Why is this game popular? Because it is funny. The game looks like a flash game from the early 2000s - the song is produced and at a high enough bitrate as to be crisp and clear and not just idle credits music. It over discusses everything you did in the game, and then continues to inform you about your other options. Why? Because the song is longer than the game. The Hero and the Rope have had a hateful history of pain and despair. In the end though, the killer of it is the song. The fact that the game is precisely what it tells you and then reinforces that with no other commentary makes it the surprise. Games aren't supposed to be as simple as dumb as they tell us right from the moment we read the title. Or you keep getting to the rope, but finding out it is the wrong one and your correct rope is in another castle. There’s a catch The fire only burns upwards, leaving you to tilt and turn your phone to keep your flame alive As you progress through the levels, you’ll encounter. If the game was called You Have To Burn The Rope - you might expect that you first have to find the rope and find a way to get fire. Tilt and turn your phone to keep the flame alive in this challenging puzzler Challenge yourself level after level as you try to burn as much rope as you can. The controls are the usual arrow-key kind, with both the spacebar and the up arrow being 'jump,' and down arrow being 'throw axe. And, if you right click on the game, you see the secret rule number four: 4. Gamers don't expect it to be that simple. To kill him you have to burn the rope above. The instructions on your way to the chamber reinforce this one, stupidly simple idea. The game is called 'You Have To Burn The Rope'.