Hooves: Unlike other Devils she has hooves for feet.Devil Ears: A Devil's ears are capable of direction-focused hearing and are employed mainly for the purposes of extremely effective eavesdropping to make their mayhem more precise.Wings: With the wings on her back she can fly.Magic: Devils are among the few species that are said to employ magic, with some skilled in psychic abilities such as hypnosis, which is how Devils typically sow discord, though this form of meddling is in conflict with the restriction of liminals harming humans.However, Devils often get their horns become smaller via surgical means, as the horns can become problematic and interfering with daily life.Normally, Devils possess one or two horns, but there have been individuals who have four horns. Horns: As Baphomets are a subspecies of Devils, like Devils her horn shape is inherited, as well as the number of said horns.She often asks where to find Adult stores to buy toys and where the nearest Adult Hotels are located, she also often plans various ways to seduce and fornicate with her homestay host and other homestayers.

In addition to desiring to engage in black mass orgies and public sex in the park, she has revealed that she is also into various BDSM roles such as "Squeezing", "Master/Servant Relationships", "Heat Play" and "Stepping On People". She says she enjoys watching how people fall into depravity naturally and so does not like forcing people into it. Highly knowledgeable and skilled at sex and other subjects relating to it, she prefers to have sex with people who do not yet know anything on the subject so that she can teach them while they fall into depravity. She also has fangs, which give her a lisp. She wears a leather jacket with rivets and Occult symbols, typical for fans of early Heavy Metal Bands. She has light grey hair, pale purple eyes, goat-like horns and raven-like wings.